Sunday, January 10, 2016

It's been awhile

I guess I ought to give some updates since it has been quite some time. 

First off, we finally have a lawn mower that WORKS! In the long run we returned a second defective mower before we upgraded our purchased to a John Deere. It works wonderfully and we have not had any real problems ever since. 

Secondly Getzy is gone, but not in a bad way. Ross and Getzy moved out on the first into their very own place! So far the two seem to be doing well together :)

However the biggest change by far is the face that we are expecting a new little one in less than 4 weeks! So apparently my going silent for so many months was a side effect of being so busy. Richard and I are ecstatic to be expecting a baby boy due Feb 4th. 

Here are some images of our little guy via ultrasound. 

So we have been rather busy with school, life, and prepping for the little boy. 

I finished up Chemistry: Quantitative Analysis, Calculus III, and my first semester of research at the Cyclotron. Research was by far the best part! 

Richard left his research group and has another lined up to start after he finishes his grad classes. He should be done with all but one or two classes by the end of this spring semester. It was a transition for him but so far it has been the best move for him and our family. The previous situation was not a healthy one for him. 

Aurora, Johnny, and Scarlett all continue to excel and love school. They all had birthdays over the course of our missing blog months. Aurora turned 8, Johnny 7, and Scarlett 5. They are excited for their new baby brother. 

The kids attended the Monster Bash at their school during Halloween that our family won the award for best family costume. I helped to plan and decorate the event with my friend Megan. I did photography on the night of and Richard was our "Mad Scientist" :) John nor Dwight wore a costume on the day of so they are not in the pictures. 

Of course there was also Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas, and New Years. Too much to post all at one time, so this update will have to do for now.