Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Long Overdue Introduction

So in January I announced we were expecting a new little one. He arrived on 2/4/2016. So here is our little guy, William. He has been a true joy in our life and his siblings have been so adorable interacting with him. I never jotted down a long birth story, so here is a blerb I posted on facebook after the fact. 

 I was induced on 2/4 and I started at 1-2 cm. I labored for 6 hours without pain meds. The nurses kept coming in and saying that I "labored beautifully" and I was amazing lol. They kept coming in to adjust my pitocin up and down because they felt I was having too strong of contractions. I must say I felt like super woman up until I hit 6-7cm. I agreed to pain meds because they had informed me this was my last opportunity. In hindsight.. I don't think I needed them. I labored another hour... gained little progress but was in a lot of pain. Ready to be done. I remember telling Richard that I was "Ready to be done now" in a very pitiful tone. The nurse came in and had me flip to my right side, then my left. I needed to push! I had gone from 7cm to 10 cm in 5 to 10 minutes! They made me HOLD HIM IN while I waited for the doctor... Doctor arrived, told me to push. I pushed his head out and a few seconds later his body. Literally he came out in under a minute! Richard told me after the fact the doctor almost dropped baby William because he didn't expect him to come out so fast! During labor Richard was AMAZING! Rubbing my back, holding my hand, and just being there to support me through it. I sat on the ball, I rocked back and forth, I listened to music... etc Richard also snapped some pics..  

and a recent picture of baby William

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