Tuesday, June 9, 2015

And it continues!

So last I checked in Getzy was back. The old "owner" took 24 hours to actually come by and pick up the dog...even then he didn't do it, his brother did. At the time he told my husband that "he is sorry, it's just a bad situation over there." The guy told me that the dog was going to his parents and would be kenneled. To be honest this made everyone in the house sad as we knew it meant we would never see him again, but it was over! We started looking at rescues to get a new playmate for Magellan/furbaby for ross. This was four or five days ago.

Yesterday we were on our way to target and Ross yells across the living room to me from the entry way. Asking me to guess who is here. He opens the front door and there Getzy sits waiting patiently to be let in.

UM....Parents house? Kennel? I don't think so. We are done. We are keeping the dog. Bring on the war (UGH).

As per usual the guy didn't contact me until midday today wondering if I had "his" dog. I assured him that we had the dog but we will be keeping him. He went into this sob story about the dog in broken grammar and then backtracked on his story about the parents and the kennel. These people have been constantly lying to us. It is ridiculous.

He then said his best friends mom is a lawyer and he will do what is necessary to get the dog back. I said that's nice. I have family members in the profession as well and can attain an attorney. HUGE change of tune then. Oh we don't need to go through any legal actions. I called his bluff.

Then he tried to tell us our dogs live a sad life in our "tiny" back yard. That dogs aren't meant to be kept like that. Wandering is in their nature! Getzy isn't fixed and that is why. Yes that is part of the reason, but I have an intact dog that has NEVER wandered off like this, even if the gate got left accidentally unlatched.

Furthermore we have 2.25 acres. Our dogs get expensive dog food, trips places, and expensive dog training. They get trips to dog parks and petsmart. We groom them and care for them.

I told him we are keeping him. He hasn't responded in quite some time now. I feel bad for having to seem like the "bad" guy, but our family took this dog in and formed an attachment. We can not keep having him come into our lives and then back out again. He clearly wants to be here. He has never once tried to leave our yard. I just hate having issues with this guy...even his girlfriend realized last time that the dog wants to be here, he needs to freaking get it in his head

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