Monday, June 1, 2015

Getzy is gone

So as some of you may be aware if you follow me on facebook, we found a dog maybe a month ago. At first I did not want to deal with the issues of having another dog in the house. (We have a purebred Australian Shepherd named Magellan) However he won us over with his loving disposition.
Getzy had an orange collar that was chewed and the O-ring rusted. It bore no tags. At first a family member walked the neighborhood with him. However no one knew who he belonged to and said they had seen him wandering for some time. I took him to two locations and had him scanned 4 times for a microchip, nothing. I put in a found report at the local shelter and local well established massive animal hospital. I also posted his picture to the local county lost and found pets page. NOTHING. I called our neighborhood HOA and was told that no one had reported a dog missing and it was known that people often drop dogs off in our neighborhood believing the people with the large homes and lots would take them in. We received no responses to ANY of our attempts. The shelter informed us that after a 10 day period of holding him he would be ours legally. We waited our 10 days and I allowed my housemate, I call him my "adopted" son to keep the dog. He named him Getzy. 
Getzy and Magellan got along well, not perfectly but well for two unfixed males. We had plans to get Getzy fixed in the next few weeks. We took him tot he vet where Ross, the "son", spent 140 dollars on a rabies vax, country registration, and check up on him. He also spent money on food, bowls, etc for Getzy. 

Magellan was happy to have a friend in the yard during the day. We took them to dog parks together, on walks, etc. Well a few days ago my husband was out taking the dogs on his usual walk with the youngest child when a woman/girl approached them. She said it was her friends dog. Richard, my husband, gave his phone number and proceeded to go home. These people then followed him, the dogs, and my child home where they stood at our gate demanding the dog back. She showed him a picture of the dog and herself. Yes, it was clearly our Getzy. We learned that they do  not have a a fenced yard and apparently allow him to roam. My husband didn't know what else to do but gave her the dog back. Ross was upset, as we all are, but what could we do. Yes the dog is legally ours, but it is her dog. She lives about a mile away across a very busy street. Yes I could legally call the cops and have the dog given back, but I refuse to start a war. 
It sucked to watch Magellan go out and look for him in the yard and not find him. It sucks that we took this dog in and formed an attachment just to have him ripped away from our family. It sucks that people out there are not responsible with their dogs. Get your dogs microchipped! Or at least a tag! We are looking into getting another dog, from a rescue this time. I hope that these people are more responsible with Getzy from now on out. Maybe next time he gets out, actually LOOK for him. :( 

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