Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Remember to live

To be honest, I have been feeling as though I am grasping for time,  always trying to find yet another moment to steal because there is just not enough hours in a  day. The university is a black hole that consumes my time with seemingly no end. Lately it has led me to deep discussions of what my end goal is. I fear I am burning out of Chemistry. I have spent some time trying to decide what I wish to do with a career. 

All the while we have been in the hectic process of purchasing our new home, which has been quite the time consuming stressful process as well!  I am happy to announce that the process is complete and we are homeowners yet again! If I ever have the time, I might just decorate it. 

Our front door, decorated for Halloween. 

Then with the kids in so many activities, we really have minimal spare time. It has led to some deep pondering. In the end I have decided I will not kill myself for perfect grades. I need to enjoy the moment as well as plan for the future.  
What is that future?

I think I found it. 

I will complete my degree in Chemistry as planned. I will minor in anthropology as well. Finally when it is time for Richard to move on to his post doctoral studies, I will apply to PhD programs in anthropology.  Yes,  you read that correct. I've done some soul searching and I am enamored with anthropology.  I aim to tie my subjects together with emphasis on radio carbon dating. I love learning and talking about the past. It fascinates me. I feel a renewed sense of purpose for my education. It's refreshing. 

Most of all though, I am going to remember to live! 

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