Saturday, May 31, 2014

Moving Forward

A step in the right direction. We received a great offer on the house, we have accepted it. Only five days on the market! Lets just hope that it stays good. The man who made the offer did so sight unseen. He only looked at a slew of images of the home. He comes tomorrow morning to look at the home he put an offer in on. We will be taking back up offers just in case. 

Not super stoked about getting everyone out of the house so early on a Sat, but it will be worth it! If everything does go well tomorrow then it looks like we will be on our way out of Cali in 1 month and 4 days!!!! 

After discussion with our broker, realtor, and each other. We have decided to rent a few months out in our new city then purchase. This way we get a feel for the place and explore a bit. 

So that is one thing marked off the list. I also sent the necessary documentation to my school of choice. I should be hearing back soon about admission. Fingers crossed I do get in there because it will make me feel better about having turned out some really great universities 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Can I scream now? (Not really....)

Me right now:

Seriously though... stress overload. Its finals, its moving, its selling this house, its getting into my college of choice, buying a new house, Johns job transfer, etc. 

Basically, its life. Now do not misunderstand. I have a great life and I love my children and the men in my life, but right now life is just a bit more hectic than I feel I can handle. I will be happy when everything is all settled. Two more weeks and I won't need to worry about the kids school, my school, or getting into the college of my choice. Actually at that point it will just be focusing on selling the house and the move. 

I am just going to keep looking on the bright side. 3 awesome and healthy kids, an amazingly supportive boyfriend, and an awesome father/ex husband. I am truly blessed. Also in a few weeks I get to walk for my Associates in Science and Mathematics! Sure it is just an associates degree, but I have gone to school for quite some time now that I am ecstatic to feel recognition for this. 

Also once the house is sold and it is moving time, I have some fun surprises up my sleeve for these cute kids. :) 

Some highlights since my last blog post
I was able to volunteer at Johnny's school for petting zoo day for his class :)

Only the cool people can hang out with their ex-husbands :) This is one cool dude here and one of my best friends. 

My love and I attending my best friend, Nikki's, beautiful wedding! 


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Only Human

Christina Perri-Human

This week this song really struck a cord with me. So much so that I found myself crying on my way to work and writing a blog in my head. Specifically " Your words in my head, knives in my heart, You build me up and then I fall apart, 'Cause I'm only human."

I have been struggling lately with some criticism and cruelty, often disguised as humor, from someone I cared deeply about. It isn't John or Richard, but someone else that I am in close proximity to on a regular basis. The reason that verse just hits so close to home is because for a large portion of my life this person built me up. Recently, however, they have passively shown that they do not agree with our new "family" through words that are knives in my heart. 

I have decided to let it go and realize that some people may never change or understand. Does that mean it doesn't bother me? No and sometimes I still struggle with it. I go against the advice of others to continue a relationship with this person, in the hopes that someday they go back to the person they once were. If not then I can die knowing I let it go and lived my life. 

This whole song has me thinking about society today. It seems as though adults aim for perfection that is never achievable. Actually what makes us so special is our imperfections. I fear that people expect a great deal more out of each other than sometimes they are not capable of. Think of the consequences of this on our children. We should push them, but teach them it is okay to fail sometimes. We need them to not be ashamed to be who they are and to make mistakes. Women are full of ever growing insecurities because of their shortcomings when it comes to this idea of a perfect woman. 

Those who know me know that I am not a very religious person, though I am not without my beliefs. 
However I do believe that the new testament of the bible teaches us to strive to be God like, but yet realize to forgive the faults of ourselves and others. 
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” 
Alexander Pope 

I think these insecurities that we breed within ourselves and others lead us to judge. Its a vicious cycle and one that truly does need to end. We should embrace each other and these perceived flaws. They make us who we are. I do not wish that my children ever have to pretend that they are something that they are not. 

Matthew 7:1-3

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Finally, I leave you with this quote. Be you :)

Read more here:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Running on fumes

Rough night Thursday night. Aurora had a nightmare so she needed her mommy. I couldn't seem to stop thinking about the move and everything that still needs to be done. I finally fell asleep well past 3am. After a busy day I arrived home at 6-7pm. Richard and I were able to make progress on the bathroom remodel.

Getting so much closer to the finish line. After a trip to Lowe's tomorrow we can hopefully have it finished. Next up: Baseboard, chair rail, framing the mirror, and painting the new bead board. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Frontier Days and Cops for Kids!

Today Richard and I made great progress on the hall bathroom and the house will be listed for sale next week, but that is a discussion for another blog post.

Today my father and I took the children to Frontier days at the La Laguna Resort just minutes from our house. The kids had a blast.

First Aurora decided to try to walk on water. She didn't stay in the bubble long.

Then Johnny got a balloon animal. After this we bought tickets for the rides then a slew of fun ensued. 

After 3 stuffed animals and a bunch of fun we left to go have dinner. 
We landed at the cops for kids event at our local Chillis. The food was yummy and it was so much fun. :)

All in all these munchkins had a fun filled day <3


Goodbye Sugar

Two days ago I challenged myself to eliminate items with added sugar from my diet. Why you ask? Not because I think sugar is some evil unhealthy thing, but because I am addicted to sugar. I also believe that it may be responsible for my horrible acne. At 28, it is time for the acne to go away! Eliminating sugar may seem easy to some, but it isn't for me. I am a big emotional eater and when I get upset I crave sugar. Even more of a reason to break the habit. Do I plan to avoid it forever, no, but I plan to eliminate it until such a time as I can get my cravings and habits under control and back on a healthy track. 

So how do I plan to get my sugar fix? Well right now the aim is for sugar free substitutes or naturally sweet items like fruits. Eventually I hope to rid myself from sugar free substitutes as well as I don't exactly trust them.

I also plan to jump back on a reduced gluten diet. I was mostly gluten free but when I got the flu, the only thing I wanted to eat was crackers and bread. So I introduced gluten back into my diet, but now that I am no longer ill it is time to reduce my gluten intake again. 

Hopefully this is one step in the right direction to daily living a healthier lifestyle. Next up..... getting physical activity into my daily life. 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


It is a construction zone in this house! A year ago I got a wild idea to remodel my hall bathroom, myself. (Well with a little help from honey bunches as well). Well we hit a road block where I wanted to just get it done and he wanted it done right, so we compromised and did nothing lol

Now a year later and with the move to Texas looming before us, we need to get it done. So we have spent free time in the last two weeks trying to complete this project. I am happy to report that the tiles are grouted and sealed. The tub caulked and the walls patched. I even started painting (yay!).

Next up, Richard has to attach the tub fixtures, then we sand and finish painting. Then Richard will need to put up the new light fixture, bead board, molding around the mirror, then a little elbow grease and it will be ready to go! Its the final big item that needs to be completed before this house can officially go up on the market.

I have de-cluttered and staged the rooms of the house. I am painting over a red wall in the playroom and repainting the kitchen cabinets. I also bought new hardware for the kitchen cabinets and other small items that needed replacing. I will need to do a deep clean the day before we do pictures and obviously keep it as close to that way as possible while it is on the market.

Hopefully I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief when the home is under contract and John has secured his position in Texas.

Monday, May 5, 2014


I swear I get whiplash from how fast things change in a household with so many people and especially adults! Not to mention I can't wait until everything having to do with this move is settled. John received word today of a possible better job option for him and we should know more by the end of the week. Hence the feeling of whiplash, one minute I am thinking that everything seems to be finally settling in and I can start planning for the scenario ahead and.... BAM! Curve ball. Luckily this is a great curve ball to have, but I only hope it pans out.

Ross, our unofficially adopted teenager lol, was in quite a sour mood due to the Kings Vs. Ducks game....Here's hoping they do better in the upcoming games and go on to win the cup.

Today I had a full day of work and school. I tutored in Chemistry, then attended an SI Chemistry lecture, then ran an SI session, then off to calculus II where I ended my workday with a quiz. I felt pretty good about it. Lately I have been keeping super late hours which has lead to a difficulty to get up in the morning. The bad part about being a night owl is getting off the sleep schedule. Its almost midnight here and I am wide awake. I will have to force myself to sleep or force myself awake on little sleep tomorrow, but I am hell bent on getting my sleep schedule back on track!

Now I will go pick out outfits for the kids to wear to school tomorrow while honey bunches, aka Richard, makes their lunches. Then I will attempt sleep. Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Y'all ready for this!

Our large family is moving and might even be growing! Its true, we are moving to Texas! 
My ex husband and I attempted to move there years ago, but alas the opportunity was never available to us. Now the stars seem to be aligning and it seems to be well on its way to reality. Now we are rushing to prepare our home for sale and begin the process of buying or building a new home in Texas. 
All of this made possible by the awesome men in our life. 
Richard was accepted to the Physics program at Texas A&M for his Phd! I am super stoked for my sexy man to get his Phd, a major life goal for him. John has been offered a transfer in his current job, but it is located in Dallas with the opportunity to move again to Austin in a year. Please keep your fingers crossed and prayers going out that he can get a new job or a transfer closer to Texas A&M. We dont want this family to be fractured or have a huge commute, but we will do what we need to in the meantime. I am accepted to Blinn community college and I am waiting on an decision letter from Tamu about my interest in their school for a bachelors in Chemistry. My father, Ross, and even possibly Richards brother is moving with us as well. That makes us a massive family of 9!

The icing on the cake. College Station (the home of Tamu) has an amazing school district for the kids. I have already mapped out areas to live, best schools, preschools for Scarlett, dance classes, swimming lessons, girl scouts, etc. Plus we plan to come back to Ca every year for a month during the summer! 

So with the fact that eventually Richard and I plan to have children and the hopes that my mother will follow us out to Tx somewhere down the line if we do decide to make Tx our forever home, we will most likely build a new home or compound to house our massive family. 

We are super stoked to start this new adventure in our lives, but I honestly cant wait until the stress of the move and the sale of the current home are done! 

Gig 'em Aggies!

Happy Birthday Moi!

Don't you hate it when you write a long post and then all of a sudden for one reason or another it is gone, not even auto saved... Alas that happened to me a moment ago.

Blog take 2

So it is true, I turned a whopping 28 yesterday.
I slept in. My children showered me with gifts, which included:

A pair of bling flip flops (they know momma too well)
A big beach towel
A press on nail kit
A bead nail decor kit
A beautiful necklace with interchangeable pendants
An Ana Disney infinity figure (My son chose this lol, but it was cute)

Then I spent the day with my mother until late in the evening. Today I got to sleep in again then my father took Ross, Richard, the kids, and I off to to lunch for my birthday.

Here are some pictures from the day :)

Yup its Me, in all my full body glory.... I may not have a super model body but I rocked that outfit ;)

My twin.... Oh I mean my gorgeous mom :)
Mother/Daughter Selfie

The super cute necklace that my three awesome kiddos gave me. Today I put the blue flower pendant on. :) Aurora suggests that tomorrow I wear something pink so that I can wear the pink flower pendant tomorrow lol.