Thursday, May 8, 2014

Goodbye Sugar

Two days ago I challenged myself to eliminate items with added sugar from my diet. Why you ask? Not because I think sugar is some evil unhealthy thing, but because I am addicted to sugar. I also believe that it may be responsible for my horrible acne. At 28, it is time for the acne to go away! Eliminating sugar may seem easy to some, but it isn't for me. I am a big emotional eater and when I get upset I crave sugar. Even more of a reason to break the habit. Do I plan to avoid it forever, no, but I plan to eliminate it until such a time as I can get my cravings and habits under control and back on a healthy track. 

So how do I plan to get my sugar fix? Well right now the aim is for sugar free substitutes or naturally sweet items like fruits. Eventually I hope to rid myself from sugar free substitutes as well as I don't exactly trust them.

I also plan to jump back on a reduced gluten diet. I was mostly gluten free but when I got the flu, the only thing I wanted to eat was crackers and bread. So I introduced gluten back into my diet, but now that I am no longer ill it is time to reduce my gluten intake again. 

Hopefully this is one step in the right direction to daily living a healthier lifestyle. Next up..... getting physical activity into my daily life. 

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