Thursday, May 15, 2014

Only Human

Christina Perri-Human

This week this song really struck a cord with me. So much so that I found myself crying on my way to work and writing a blog in my head. Specifically " Your words in my head, knives in my heart, You build me up and then I fall apart, 'Cause I'm only human."

I have been struggling lately with some criticism and cruelty, often disguised as humor, from someone I cared deeply about. It isn't John or Richard, but someone else that I am in close proximity to on a regular basis. The reason that verse just hits so close to home is because for a large portion of my life this person built me up. Recently, however, they have passively shown that they do not agree with our new "family" through words that are knives in my heart. 

I have decided to let it go and realize that some people may never change or understand. Does that mean it doesn't bother me? No and sometimes I still struggle with it. I go against the advice of others to continue a relationship with this person, in the hopes that someday they go back to the person they once were. If not then I can die knowing I let it go and lived my life. 

This whole song has me thinking about society today. It seems as though adults aim for perfection that is never achievable. Actually what makes us so special is our imperfections. I fear that people expect a great deal more out of each other than sometimes they are not capable of. Think of the consequences of this on our children. We should push them, but teach them it is okay to fail sometimes. We need them to not be ashamed to be who they are and to make mistakes. Women are full of ever growing insecurities because of their shortcomings when it comes to this idea of a perfect woman. 

Those who know me know that I am not a very religious person, though I am not without my beliefs. 
However I do believe that the new testament of the bible teaches us to strive to be God like, but yet realize to forgive the faults of ourselves and others. 
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.” 
Alexander Pope 

I think these insecurities that we breed within ourselves and others lead us to judge. Its a vicious cycle and one that truly does need to end. We should embrace each other and these perceived flaws. They make us who we are. I do not wish that my children ever have to pretend that they are something that they are not. 

Matthew 7:1-3

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
“Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Finally, I leave you with this quote. Be you :)

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