Sunday, May 4, 2014

Y'all ready for this!

Our large family is moving and might even be growing! Its true, we are moving to Texas! 
My ex husband and I attempted to move there years ago, but alas the opportunity was never available to us. Now the stars seem to be aligning and it seems to be well on its way to reality. Now we are rushing to prepare our home for sale and begin the process of buying or building a new home in Texas. 
All of this made possible by the awesome men in our life. 
Richard was accepted to the Physics program at Texas A&M for his Phd! I am super stoked for my sexy man to get his Phd, a major life goal for him. John has been offered a transfer in his current job, but it is located in Dallas with the opportunity to move again to Austin in a year. Please keep your fingers crossed and prayers going out that he can get a new job or a transfer closer to Texas A&M. We dont want this family to be fractured or have a huge commute, but we will do what we need to in the meantime. I am accepted to Blinn community college and I am waiting on an decision letter from Tamu about my interest in their school for a bachelors in Chemistry. My father, Ross, and even possibly Richards brother is moving with us as well. That makes us a massive family of 9!

The icing on the cake. College Station (the home of Tamu) has an amazing school district for the kids. I have already mapped out areas to live, best schools, preschools for Scarlett, dance classes, swimming lessons, girl scouts, etc. Plus we plan to come back to Ca every year for a month during the summer! 

So with the fact that eventually Richard and I plan to have children and the hopes that my mother will follow us out to Tx somewhere down the line if we do decide to make Tx our forever home, we will most likely build a new home or compound to house our massive family. 

We are super stoked to start this new adventure in our lives, but I honestly cant wait until the stress of the move and the sale of the current home are done! 

Gig 'em Aggies!

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